Specs are 57" nock to nock...Pulling 40lbs @ 26".
1.25 inches wide at the middle 2 inch handle. 2" long fades out to 1 5/8" wide...then straight taper to 1/2" nocks....set is just under 2" each limb after unstringing and settles down 1" after resting.
This bow came from a hickory board a member on here named wildman sent me...very gracious of him. The board started out 58" long 1.75" wide and a little under 0.5" thick.
This is my first bow from hickory...had a maple bow blow up in my face yesterday.
Here are a couple pictures. Comments welcome...I need feedback on my first hunting weight bow

Bow is not finished yet...only finished tillering.
Arrow is 47" in the FD picture