Well i went deer hunting today and was up a tree between a fire brake and a back corner of a cut corn field well before daylight.
Seen one doe on the other side of the corn about 630. Then about 0800 a flock of about 20 turkey were coming up the fire brake from behind me. They were to close to stand up. when the 1st bird cleared the brush i let a arrow fly, it was low. and the turkeys did not pay much mind to it. i moved very very slow and made ready another arrow, this hen stepped into a lane at 20-25 yards and i let her have it. She ran 30 yards and fell and started flopping then flopped her way into a big blow down.
The rest of the turkeys were on edge at this point but hung around long enough for me to snap this pic with my cell phone.
I waited about 1 hour and climbed down the tree down graded my gear nocked a arrow and headed for the hen. I got on blood right away and i found her hunkered down in the blow down. She was alive but hurt bad. I walked around and climbed up on the blow down and at about 10 feet made this head shot and that was that.
I'm very exited this is my 1st turkey with a bow! The bow is a fiber glass backed recurve made by John T. 55# at 28''.
Oh I was setting down when i shot her the 1st time

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