Well as for the kids, being better hunters than you......you need to bring in the art of philosophy to them. Also known in some circles as the art of Bulls--t. "Sometimes, when you are in your stand, with your homemade bow, and arrows, and you are smelling the smells of the forrest, and hearing the sounds, a sort of calm descends upon you, and you put your bow down and just marvel at the beauty of the deer, and other creatures, and reflect upon what a wonderful life it is, you feel just as satisfied just watching the animals, while they are oblivious to your presence, and knowing full well that if the whims of human nature should shift, you could at any time pick up your bow, and send forth death, in a most forceful manner, but at the time you simply had no desire to disrupt the serenity of the scene, but to simply revel in it, knowing that you can always return to fullfill a prehistoric need to hunt." No need to let them know you missed four big bucks at under 12 yds, or you almost fell out of your stand trying to get a shot a big ol tom turkey, on the other side of a tree......, or accidentally, dumped your arrows out of the quiver, and had to climb down to get them, only to see a nice buck standing at 15 yds, broadside, with his head looking the other way,

.......and your bow is still up in the stand.....

No, you just smile, and say, "sometimes it is just as good to just sit and watch. Uh huh, yes it surely is......

You should try it sometime."......

They just don't really need to know some things......
