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Ash Arrows?

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--- Quote from: Bob S. on April 26, 2007, 02:36:48 am ---Now I'm curious as to what your favorites are. Anybody?

--- End quote ---

my favorite at the moment is 1/2" pine as im shooting a 100# english warbow and a 110# hungarian wabow.

Cane; sourwood, buffalo nut, and viburnum shoots. I've made split arrows from ash, pine, and tulip poplar. They stay straight easier than shoot shafts, but also break easier.

Hillbilly I would think a buffalo nut would be to short,do you splice them. :D

Pat B:
Like Hillbilly, I like sourwood, cane, buffalo nut, and viburnum and other hardwood shoots. I haven't done many split out shafts though.
Pappy, Not if you use both of them! ::)     Pat

Pappy, actually obtaining the buffalo nut is a more intensive process than making an arrow from it  :o It's Pat's fault, anyway-he's the one who got me started out using buffalo nuts  ;D


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