Man alive I'm sittin' here a'crawling outa my skin pettin' my bow and sharpening my skinnin' knife. John Cougar is wailing some bluesy song from the past in the background and all I can think of is the shot that I hope is to be. It's Friday's eve! A classmate offered his land to hunt on and I'm heading out there after class tomorrow to pick a tree and spend the night. Saturday begins the season - a predatory change of thought - a transformation of man to his most basic form - a hunter. It's deer season!!!!!! From now until January I will eat, sleep, drink and dream of the whitetail. A video plays in the background - Denny Sturgis arrows a big buck and my thoughts drift to the stand. From whence will the wind blow? Will I see a big buck? Doe? How long can I sit before a break? It's deer season brothers of the barebow - a time of year that changes our instincts, our senses -- smell, sound, taste, feel -- the door bell just rang. The mailman! My package carefully wrapped with a tape that says, "3Riversarchery." Oh, baby yes, they made it: 6 x 125 grain Magnus broadheads. Will one get bloody this weekend? Will one bring a big buck down? So many questions to be answered. Is sleep possible? It's deer season brothers........and I gotta bad case a'buck fever!