You guys remember my post, "What to do", well this is what I done! This bow began as a boo backed hickory over 2 years ago and when I hinger her she went to the "Corner...". I took her out a few weeks ago and ground down the hickory belly wood and added a vertical boo belly. I had left the handle area too thick under the boo belly so she was quite whip ended.

Well, after sanding the boo off of the belly, thinning the hickory even more and adding osage slats(spliced) for a new belly she was on her way, again! Now do you remember the handle splice coming apart last week?

I removed the short overlay(not long enough to support the splice) reglued the splice and added 3 thin lams of graduating lengths so they would flex a little if needed.

"Trouble Maker" is 61 1/4" t/t, I removed 1 1/2" from the top limb of the old bow to make her symmetrical. She is 1" (1 1/2" before) at the fades and a straight taper to 5/16" tips. The boo back is slightly trapped to releave some of the tension.
53#@26" and she zips an arrow.

The handle wrap is the same hemp as on the osage splinter. After the handle splice came apart I wasn't gonna have that happen again. I found this hemp cord at Wally World and was amazed how strong it was. It has a tight wrap and is set in Massey finish and with a floppy rest. The tip overlays are bison horn from Justin with whitetail antler tips. I have not you put a finish on her and may do some sort of design on the boo back for camo effect.
Here she is....

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