Main Discussion Area > Bows

61 1/4" tri-lam "Trouble Maker"

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What a great job turning that "junvenile delinquent" around! 8)

Nice fix Pat. looks like a nice bow

Nice Pat! Hopefully I'll get to see it in person in Tenessee in a couple weeks (depends on the weather)

You don't know how much it makes me smile when I see a floppy rest on someones bow.  ;D

Pat B:
Justin, every bow that I have named has told me what to call it. This one was screaming! :o
...and thanks Greg...(what ever he said) ??? ;)
Ryan, I have been doing these tips for a while. usually not as much contrast. 8) They do protect the tip better IMO.
Gordon and Sim, thanks.
Mickey, I hope you do make it to the Classic.   I started using your floppy lately because my bow hand kept getting chafed. Now it's my go to rest.  ;D   Pat

Mickey, thanks for sharing your floppy rest idea with us, I like 'em and have used them on several bows.


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