Only had one red five inch left wing feather in the pack, and what to do, what to do. Well how about a red self nock arrow, with one of the points that I knapped. I just needed to do something with that red feather, as I am not working today.
That and I wanted to try El Destructo's recipe for pitch glue. I had been using pitch, charcoal, and horse poo, but El D had stated that he had used rabbit poo with good results. And what do you know? I look out the window this morning, while enjoying my morning joe, low and behold, a rabbit making poo on my front lawn. Destiny I say. Pitch glue with rabbit poo worked great, and I found a reason to use up that red feather.
I am reminded of the old tale about Goldilocks and the three bears; this poo was to hard, and this poo was to soft, but this here poo was just right. Kids have been grown for awhile now, so I may not have that story right.
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