Linked Events

  • JOMO Flintknapping Event: September 26, 2010
  • JOMO Flintknapping Event: October 31, 2010
  • JOMO Flintknapping Event: November 28, 2010
  • JOMO Flintknapping Event: December 26, 2010

Author Topic: JOMO Flintknapping event  (Read 3288 times)

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Offline Calendargirl

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JOMO Flintknapping event
« on: September 22, 2010, 06:01:07 pm »
Missouri Trading Company ~ Pineville MO.   

Take the new Highway 71 (4 lane) to H Highway.
Take H Highway to Business 71 Highway (go east toward Pineville)
Take Business 71 Highway to K Highway (go south)
Take Highway east 1/4 mile to Havenhurst Drive (do NOT cross the bridge on K Highway)
Turn south on Havenhurst Drive and you are there!

JOMO is simply a small group of people who love flint knapping and sharing their skills. 
Beginners are very welcome to come and watch and try their hand at chipping if they would like. 
Several of the regulars are excellent bowyers so if you are interested, come on! 
We meet once a month on the last Sunday of the month to chip flint, relax, and enjoy the fellowship of like minded Christian people. 
Anyone is welcome, including children.  Bows & atlatls are welcome along with any other primitive skills you'd like to share or learn. 
No cost; no obligation to buy anything. 
This is not a commercial knap-in so please do not come with the idea of setting up to sell stuff. 
Bring your own chair and something to add to the picnic table if you like.

Absolutely no alcohol or drugs.  Anyone found to have either or that is suspected of being "under the influence" will be asked to leave immediately! 
Schedule 2010, LAST SUNDAY of every month.

Jim Spears, Gary Parton, Ralph Conrad, James Howell and others like to be on hand to
demonstrate knapping techniques and help beginners especially. These are good friends
getting together to chip each month.

Come and have a good time!  There is absolutely NO charge!

Bring a lawn chair and we love interesting contributions to the picnic table (FOOD, we love food)!

For more info, email:
Diana Benson
You shouldn't grow a wishbone where your backbone should be.