Main Discussion Area > Primitive Skills

Side Quiver (Pic)

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Well you guys wanted a few more pictures so I took some last night. I wiill post them and cover a few more details about the  quiver. In this picture I am showing oh I can remove an arrow with my right hand and keeping my had low and close to me reducing the movement compared to a back quiver.

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This is a picture of the top of the quiver. I used black rivens to attach the leather band around the top and stiched the side and and the sheath.
I did us contact cement before using rivets or sticking on all areas I connected with them.

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This is a pictue of the bottome of the quiver. I covered a small pc of 1/2 inch wood with leather on the bottom and put foam on the other side for the tips of the arrows to rest on. Again, I used contact cement and than stiched the side and drove, in this case, black tacks into the wood.

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This picture shows the arrows in the quiver and the strap that goes over the shoulder. The strap is stiched on the bottom and the top after the contact cement was applied.

Years ago I purched a side quiver and it was the best hunting quiver I have ever used. Shooting different spinned arrows for different bows I had to change out arrows. In stead of buying another I just made this up from some cordova and the strap from cow hide. Both were left over from other project and came to good use.

One thing I want to point out is, by using the cordova, I had to secure a smaller pc of arrow shaft in side on the back of the quiver to help on it up right and ridged. If I would have made it out of heavier leather I would not  have  had to do this.

The small "neck knife" I made for a saw blade with a wood handle.

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Here is how the quiver will "ride" as I wear it shooting and hunting.

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