What's a drop bear?
It's an Australian joke, they tease the tourists by telling them to watch out for the drop bears. They have such weird creatures over there that the concept of a bear that drops out of the trees onto it's prey seems quite feasible. I think they are like a Koala's evil twin

See below what Wiki says.
Drop bear
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the fictional animal. For other uses, see Dropbear (disambiguation).
A drop bear (or dropbear) is a fictitious Australian marsupial.[1] Drop bears are commonly said to be unusually large, vicious, carnivorous koalas that inhabit treetops and attack their prey by dropping onto their heads from above.[2] They are an example of local lore intended to frighten and confuse outsiders and amuse locals, similar to the jackalope, hoop snake, wild haggis, or snipe.
It is often suggested that doing ridiculous things like having forks in the hair or Vegemite or toothpaste spread behind the ears will deter the creatures,[3] or that walking through the bush carrying a screwdriver raised above one's head will impale an attacking drop bear.