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What Inspires me (odd random thoughs, with your indulgence)

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--- Quote from: brokennock on April 21, 2007, 02:50:07 am ---Love this thread Dane, and don't forget, we can share a campfire at the NewEngland Primitive Skills Gathering. Wich according to Algonquin's web site is June 9th and 10th. Jamie can correct me if i'm wrong.
 I find this site inspiring. As well as many different books on too many subjects to list. As there are too many musical styles I enjoy. I've played rock, blues, jazz, bluegrass, and country; but listen to all that and classical too. I too lost my joy for music when it became a "job" and I don't play anymore.
 If ya haven't picked it up yet and ya come to the gathering I'll loan ya my copy of "The Witchery of Archery."
 Thanks for an interesting thread.

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I will be at the meet, Dave, have it on my calender. That should be a really fun event. Thanks for the comments, and thanks about the book offer.



--- Quote from: DanaM on April 20, 2007, 07:43:58 pm ---Today my wife decided ti inspire me, yup inspired me to rake the yard and fix the brakes on her car. ;D

I figured a little levity would couldn't hurt.

Actually I'm at a crossroads, my kids are moving on, my son leaves for the Coast Gaurd in 2 weeks, daughter is graduating high school. I have 5 years till I can retire from my present job. 5 year prison sentence is what it feels like, I'm really starting to hate my job and it becomes more difficult everyday to get up and go to work. I used to read all the time now I can't find anything that really holds my interest for long, maybe I need to borrow yer japenese lunch box book Dane :) I started building bows because the simplicity appeals to me, and as I age I find thats what I really want is "A Simple Life" A small house in the woods, a workshop and most importantly time, time to do what I want when I want. All the things that seemed so important to me before just don't mean much anymore. As to what inspires me? I just don't know right now :-\ Hope it comes to me soon though.


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Dana, mine inspired me to shampoo some rugs over the weekend. And I got stuck going to work today, I do know what you mean about jobs being so tedious. The nasty clients are the most challenging part of me anymore.

Congrats on your son becoming a "coastie."

My thought is that time goes so fast, five years will fly by, even if you don't feel like it will. A small house in the woods, a great workshop, and some time to do what you love sounds like an ideal life to me, too.

Hey Dana, congratulate your son for me. There is a silent(silenced maybe?) majority that appreciate, respect, and honor his service and sacrifice. Even if it's in what some bue-water types call, "the knee-deep navy." ;)  All kidding aside, good for him. Where is he headed? If he finds himself here in CT. (New London is home to the Acadamy) let me know, I myself and a few other old deck apes would be honored to by him lunch and a cup of coffee.

Brokenock, he will be doing boot at Cape May New Jersey and thank you for the kind words and the nice offer.
The Coast gaurd is an honorable profession they are under respected in my book. He's not real anxious to leave home
but there is no work here, I've told him no matter where he goes that there are good people to be found that enjoy
doing the same things he does. He's a easy going kid that has a very friendly personality. He like to hunt, fish and mud trucks
I think thats spelled redneck ;D Once he has a permanent duty station I will try to connect him with some of the fine folk on this forum.
It sure is gonna be hard on me and momma at first as our first born leaves the nest :'(


 Im impressed with the depth of you guys. Learned a little more recently,my 29 yr old brother died about a month ago. His path was opposite of mine,a little too complicated,not outdoors and simplified. However, he and I did share a warped sense of humor.In his last note to me  he wrote,From here to there funny things are everywhere.  (Dr. Seuss) So laugh while you can,try to see the tree not the forest,and appreciate what youve got.


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