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What Inspires me (odd random thoughs, with your indulgence)

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Badger, that is a great story. Thanks. I love bonsai, but after 3 tries, I realize it is totally wrong to do what I do to small growing things (which is murder them. I simply can't keep even cacti alive).

Doug, thanks. I struggle with the "am I shallow and all surface" or " deep" sometimes, and still really am not sure. If I can be so bold, few here may know that connection we share though our US Army service as infantrymen doing a very peculiar job that is long gone now. Well, not ancient times though :)

I used to be a musician, but there was no joy left in it, as that is where I was going professionaly. Now that I am simply messing around with my concertina and banjo, it is fun again.

As for nature, the desert is the finest place I can think of to be alone. Empty places really speak to me, and that includes abandoned old buildings and ghost towns. Strangly, old industrial sites facinate me. Why that is I can not say.



--- Quote from: GregB on April 20, 2007, 08:36:56 am ---
Dane, I wasn't at all worried about the bow sock...take your time. We always can fall back on that "tater sack" if we need to! ;D I'd like to sit around a camp fire some evening and hear some of those "peculiar idea's" of yours... ;)

Good post, brought out some good comments from folks!

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You can't do that, Greg - you told me you already used that tater sack :) The warp threads bundles are sitting literally 3 feet from my loom.

I'd love to share the campfire with you. It isn't happening this Classic, but my wife and I may try to make the next one, money and time allowing. As for those ideas, not one has to do with UFOs. :)

Today my wife decided ti inspire me, yup inspired me to rake the yard and fix the brakes on her car. ;D

I figured a little levity would couldn't hurt.

Actually I'm at a crossroads, my kids are moving on, my son leaves for the Coast Gaurd in 2 weeks, daughter is graduating high school. I have 5 years till I can retire from my present job. 5 year prison sentence is what it feels like, I'm really starting to hate my job and it becomes more difficult everyday to get up and go to work. I used to read all the time now I can't find anything that really holds my interest for long, maybe I need to borrow yer japenese lunch box book Dane :) I started building bows because the simplicity appeals to me, and as I age I find thats what I really want is "A Simple Life" A small house in the woods, a workshop and most importantly time, time to do what I want when I want. All the things that seemed so important to me before just don't mean much anymore. As to what inspires me? I just don't know right now :-\ Hope it comes to me soon though.



--- Quote from: mullet on April 19, 2007, 11:53:46 pm --- any time J.D. Bring some bug repellant.

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Ha, ha.  I'm there!

       J. D.

Love this thread Dane, and don't forget, we can share a campfire at the NewEngland Primitive Skills Gathering. Wich according to Algonquin's web site is June 9th and 10th. Jamie can correct me if i'm wrong.
 I find this site inspiring. As well as many different books on too many subjects to list. As there are too many musical styles I enjoy. I've played rock, blues, jazz, bluegrass, and country; but listen to all that and classical too. I too lost my joy for music when it became a "job" and I don't play anymore.
 If ya haven't picked it up yet and ya come to the gathering I'll loan ya my copy of "The Witchery of Archery."
 Thanks for an interesting thread.


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