Main Discussion Area > Bows

What Inspires me (odd random thoughs, with your indulgence)

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Everyone is searching for what will make them happy. Most look in the wrong places. Most try too hard. The simple things are the most important. A simple bow can teach a lot about life. The process of making it requires patience. Learning to shoot requires discipline. When it breaks you learn not to give up. And one of the most satisfying things in life is to tune out the whole world and leave all your problems behind, pick up your bow and get in that zone. Its just you and your bow . That feeling that time stands still and you can watch your arrow fly perfectly to where you knew it was going before you released. That is satisfaction .not taking the shortcut. Slow down . Thats what I think this world needs to do. What is the rush?  You don't see or learn half as much when you rush through life. Most on this site seem to get it . I'm happy to be here

Nuttier then a fruit cake! - - - but you write with some intelligence (LOL) ramble all you want Dane.

Mamba, thanks. But, be careful, as getting me started can open up a floodgate of peculiar ideas.

This site feels like a kind of home, with like minded kin, strangers and yet also family, or perhaps a tribe might be a better word?

JD, I promise to read it soon.


Let me know what you think Dane. 

I'm coming to hunt with you. 

          J. D. Duff

 any time J.D. Bring some bug repellant.


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