has anyone made a bow out of osage board? if so how was it? thought of trying one and back it with sinew.or the bamboo backed ipe that 3 rivers sales,also what is the differance between a long bow and a flat bow,im also thinkng of buying a oasge bow kit from pine hallow bows and backing with cherry bark ,sorry for all the questions ,but i have a osage self bow backed with elk sinew and snake skins ,and im shooting this bow better than any glass bow i ever had,as a matter of fact i have sold my glass bows and going self bow all the way,now i want to make my own ,by the way david barnnet from walla walla washington made this bow for me ,i had one of his a few years ago and like an goof ball i sold it well he made me another one ,and i love it ,he sent some elk bone already split and flat for the nock overlays and i have some bacote ,but im afraid i might mess something up on it so im going to wait before i put them on.here are some pics its around 47-50#@28 62" nock to nock and smokes an arrow!!