hi all

our small game season is coming shortly along with our opening day of deer bow season on the 18th.
fall turkey starts next month as well.
i have been kind of slacking this summer and havent had time to get shafts yet.
i am looking to trade or whatever for some hill cane shafts.
i would like them spined for around 50-55#,32"long.i will cut them to my length.
i would like 2 doz shafts,good quality.no need to be straight as i like doing that part(realy the only part of making arrows i like)
also would like 2 doz in the 40-45#,same length as the others
i have several stones knives to choose from if interested,also stone points,sinew or what ever works out.
pm me if you have what i need and your interested
thanks peace,