Not to be argumentative, but just because he makes a lot of bows also does not disqualify him from knowing what hes talking about. He has a lot of knowledge on this style, and has done quite a bit of research on the subject, not to mention posted a lot of museum pictures and smithsonian referances. He has a few bows on display in a native american museum that they themselves consider an accurate depiction of their ancestral weapons.
i never said he didnt know how to make them
or that his work wasnt decent enough
what i said was if you want an "authority on the subject" find some one whom is educated and has a background on the subject
i too can make holmies and mollies,does that make me an authority on the subject?no it just means i have the ability to make them
having the ability to make them does not make one and authority on shit
i have a couple of his bows,and the wife has one,and just cause he made them does not mean they are good bows
the first broke after 21 arrows,the second one cracked just puling it to draw,hers has more set in it than any bow i have ever tillerd out and she refuses to shoot it
also just becuase he post pics and references the smithsonian and other sources doesnt realy mean squat either,to me that just means he spends alot of time looking at crap on the internet
ive been to the smithsonian and have seen and taken pics of al the NA and primitive stuff.
does tha mean i am an authority on all of that now? no it does not,i do alot of research on line to,but i am not a authority on it.
now i have and education and 20+ yrs background in the automotive field,does that make me an authority,damn straight it does.
i have the eduactio and background to prove it.just becuase you probably change yor own oil and can put in spark plugs and brakes does not mean you are an authority on automotives
see what iam getting at here?
just because someone has the ability and can make a few does not mean one is an authority
is his opinion valued by some here,sure it is,but that still does not mean he is an authority on it as he was called by gothmog,no that stil does not make him an authority on the subject.
now i am not saying that he cant make bows,what i am saying is that id Irontom wants a true answer to his question on why this style of bow is no longer in use,then he needs to find someone whom has the education and background on such a subject,otherwise its just speculation
helli can speculate on the subject too,i could say that they decided t=to give up the design because they could tell in the future that compunds would be coming and whay waste your time with such poor design when you know that the wheelie thing is coming in just a matter of few centuries or so.
see speculation

and id doenst mean shit and cant hold water,why because its speculation