Thanks for all the comments.
Del, I noticed that on your tillering tree in your videos. I have been thinking about modifying the support on the tree, thanks for your input.
Mark the horns are the work of my good friend Tim Crosby who has graciously allowed me to use his shop for my bowmaking. He is quite the artisan and also makes black powder long rifles.
Aznboi thanks for the explanation, I appreciate your input and will keep that in mind.
So I narrowed the tips to 1/2" and have not removed any more wood from the belly of the bow.

I shortened the tillering string (thanks Jesse) and pulled the bow 9" to 40lbs on the tillering tree. In the photo the scale is not in the loop because I pegged the string so I could really look over the tiller. Del, ya you can see I have a clamp built into my tree, but i don't use it much, I find it gives me false readings just as you said.

It looks to me like the tips are working more now, but still not enough, so I will probably very carefully remove some wood from the last quarter of the limbs to get more movement there.
I spent the rest of the day putting horn tip overlays on the bow (One great advantage of working in a horner's shop is there are lots of horn tips laying around

) Here's a photo of the overlays, you can kind of see some of Tim's rifles in the background.

Thanks again for all your help everybody.