Main Discussion Area > Bows

Oriental Arborvitae?

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Anybody made a bow out of this stuff? I got a truckload.

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Basically the same thing as northern white cedar. Never know til you try it, but I wouldn't expect much from it. Might make good arrows.

chris ive never personally worked with it but its probably similar to american arb which is not very good for bows but great for friction fire. plus its loaded with knots.

Well I'll keep 2 or 3 of the good ones and burn the rest. Gonna try at least one bow from it.
 Hillbilly, its got way too many knots fer arrows.
 Man, I feel like a cotton pickin' astronaut now that I can post pictures at will. Yahoo!!! ;D ;D

Justin Snyder:
I trimmed way to much of that kind of stuff when I did yard work.  Ill stay away on principal.  ;D Justin


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