Heres what Ive got. The skull is a clean 8 point, bob cat hide and beaver hide are tanned, there is a yard stick in the midst of the snake skins for length, that baggy is full of 3.5 foot matched diamond back skins I haven't got around to drying yet, and there are some mixed knappables in the box(mostly obsidian). Im primarily looking for an osage quarter sawn board, or possibly some billets i could splice together for a bbo. (i have exhausted all of my immediate sources of dry osage experimenting

). (I will consider other quarter sawn boards if offered) I am also interested in some riser blocks of pretty exotics or birds eye maple. Other than that make an offer and ill tell you what I think

. I will post when any deals are struck, and keep every one informed on whats left out of the lot. Ty
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