George: Hope you don't mind, but I printed out the message you sent. I am going to read this each time I get the bow out even to practice. Am going on a very expensive moose hunt in the Yukon this month and my practice sessions have been up and down. I have excellent equipment and have been shooting each day. Some days when the arrows are all over the place I wonder if I will be able to make a good shot if the chance occurs for the sake of the moose as well as myself. This confidence thing is kind of funny. I have killed a moose and every thing else except an antelope before with my home made equipment, bow, arrows, and rocks. I tell my hunting friend, Mike Hawk Huston, that I hunt with a stick so I won't have to pack all that meat out. I have never been a great archer so have tried to over come that deficiency by being a better hunter! Thanks for the excellent advise. A/Ho Pokie