Main Discussion Area > Bows

dimensions for a Viking bow replica?

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sagitarius boemoru:
But as a trading centre on one end of dry road on which oxen drawn ships over 45 miles of narrowest part of juttland pennisula (ta save 700 miles trip around it) it was to raiders as honey to bees. I think it was burned out 4 times.
The danewirke (the fortified road) is interesting though.

Thats me roving on drakkar in Hedaby

Last lad on the left side at row.

And this is back of yours truly, Hedaby harbour in background. :D


Truly, I am jealous! Thanks so much for sharing these photos, and the comments.


For those who have not put two and two together:  Jaro will be authoring the 'War Bow' chapter in the forthcoming vol. 4 of the Bowyer's Bibles.  I can't think of anyone more qualified.  I for one am on the edge of my seat.

                 J. D. Duff

sagitarius boemoru:
I can think about handfull of people more qualified than me. :)
But they are too bussy shooting, than to write book...


Jaro, I am very much looking forward to reading your chapter. Interacting with the author will make it all the better.



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