Aaahhh... it's finally here! Opening day of archery season. Mmmmm... my favourite time of year. Well, I hung my tree stand about 10 days ago, and left it to "season." It looked like an awesome spot... converging trails, poo-poo all over... it looked really active. I got up at 4:30am, drove the half hour out, and was in my stand 10 minutes before legal time. Just like xmas morning!
My stand faces basically west, with a large river about 400 yards away. The wind was out of the south, and almost calm. Not ideal, but it's opening morning! After a 20 minute wait, I hear movement to my right (north). Not good. When I walked into my stand, I swung around north and then came into my stand from downwind. Now, I could see the deer... a buck, coming from the north, heading south. Well, as soon as he cut my trail, he stopped dead. SNORT. SNORT, STOMP, WHEEZE. Game over. Done. Gone. BUSTED. Apply egg to face, rinse, repeat.
I toughed it out until 7:30, and then headed home for java. Oh well, still beats a good day at work! The wind is supposed to be N/NW tomorrow morning, so I'll give it another try.