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heat gun

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While on the subject, maybe not!!! ??? When using dry heat to bend tips into static recurve position, do you heat from belly side or backing side????

I'd like to try a static recurve someday*after I get a working R/D that is! ::)

Justin Snyder:
No JD its completely different.  Its a real shame that with all that school learnin' they don't teach you the important things like that. Justin

 .................well besides a "thang-e" can be called a "farquar', I guess. :D :D............bob

Justin Snyder:
Eastern, I think steam works better for re-curves.  You can use dry heat to turn up the ends a little, but full re-curves is asking a lot of dry heat.  Justin

Easternarcher, you would heat from the belly side while clamping it down to a form. I have bent one set of recurves with a heat gun, but I much prefer steam for drastic bends. I think PatB has made some nice statics with dry heat.


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