Just wanted to let everyone know I have decided to set this bow aside for a while. I have another piece of hackberry from the same board, Im going to back it with hickory and work on it. I also have another piece of that sycamore that I made a bow with previously, Im gonna see if I can get a heavier bow in the 50#-55# range out of it. Gonna make it a little longer, leaving it 70" ttt, 68" ntn. Would prefer 55#@28", so we'll see hwo it goes, got it all marked up to start working on when I get home from work today. Gonna sand down the peice of hickory I got and glue it on to the hackberry tonight as well. Actually once its glued on I'm gonna rip it in half because its about 1/4" which is pretty thin to rip it down in half by itself on the band saw. But once its glued to a thick piece of wood I should be able to rip it down to 1/8" attached to the blank and leaving myself with another 1/8" piece to glue to this other piece of hackeberry once I'm able to pry the redoak off of it.