Anyone had a tip overlay come off?? I just had my second one come off while breaking in one for this season. Ya... I know I'm running late but times a premium. Last year I had one come off after a hundred shots or better. Luckally I found the damn thing, drilled about an 1/8th inch into each side of the glue joint and stuck a 1/4 chunk of nail in on the reglue. A little sanding and true oil good as new. That joint was hit with acetone 2 to 3 times each side and epoxied (ace hardware 5 min). Also well grooved with hacksaw blade. I thought I sovled the problem with a stronger epoxy. That and I studed all tips from then until now with that 1/4 inch peace of nail, just in case. Until this bow. I hit into the stud on the belly side of the tip. More than a little ticked off, I took a half inch of both sides and retipped it. This time with no stud, thinking the better epoxy was the answer. Nope.... Both failures where buffalo horn on osage. Both treated the same as far as multiple dousings of acetone. Both well surfaced with hacksaw blade. Both perfectly flat joints. If done the same thing with several other buffalo horn osage tips with no problem, but at this failure rate I'm afraid to carry any of them in the field. Im at a loss. Anyone have any Ideas. New glue??
I just checked. The new epoxy I was using is devcon 2 ton high strength rated to 2,500 lbs per inch. Surface on the tip that failed is 1/4 by about an inch. I took pictures on my phone but they where'nt very clear. The failure went though a bit of the horn. If the narrow tip is to fault, a wider tip would give a safety factor of any confidence. Again if any one has had isues like this, help a brother out. Next time I post I'll make sure its something positive. Maybe one on parabolic curves on limb layout