Author Topic: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...  (Read 14900 times)

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Offline Barrage

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Re: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...
« Reply #30 on: August 25, 2010, 10:10:43 pm »
Very nice Rich.  I have to say I really like the finish / dye job on this bow.  A lot.

Offline denny

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Re: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...
« Reply #31 on: August 25, 2010, 10:58:19 pm »
You ought a be in the movie business , They could use your bows in lord of the rings rich. Nice job.. Denny

Offline Frode

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Re: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...
« Reply #32 on: August 25, 2010, 11:01:26 pm »
Well done, as always, Rich! Can't wait to see it drawn!
If it doesn't rap the lintel, it might not be a longbow.

Offline sharpend60

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Re: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...
« Reply #33 on: August 25, 2010, 11:55:43 pm »
Wonderful work.

Offline okiecountryboy

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Re: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...
« Reply #34 on: August 26, 2010, 05:53:10 am »
Thank You Rich
I'll take any drawings you have.
I've already saved all of your pics to my files.
I do this because,  when I blow up another bow :-[ :-[ :'(
I have inspiration to go on ;)

Honestly....THANKS for ALL of the ideas that you have given me.........


Thanks again
God Bless

God, honor, country, bows, and guns.

Offline gothmog

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Re: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...
« Reply #35 on: August 26, 2010, 09:52:52 am »
Another impressive weapon Rich.  I'm amazed every time I see one of your beauties.  And the speed at which you turn them out!!!  A master bowyer if there ever was one...

Offline ohma

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Re: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...
« Reply #36 on: August 26, 2010, 10:46:50 am »
beutifull work i to cant wait to see the full draw shot.
if your not dead you are getting older so get out and shoot some arrows.

Offline denny

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Re: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...
« Reply #37 on: August 29, 2010, 11:42:39 am »
It might be a bit premature Rich, But I finally made a mollegabet,per your instructions. I will finish today and post pics later. Still working on the tips , I don't know if I should add tip overylay as you have some fancy ones.Well If it don't break during tilling I will post later. Again a nice job on your latest. Do you participate in SCA functions ? I ask because of the russian viking overlays. Denny

half eye

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Re: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...
« Reply #38 on: August 29, 2010, 12:42:25 pm »
     No, I dont do SCA.....just too old to pick up another habit. I make and shoot Mollegabets because the design is solid and the bows shoot smooth, hard, (good cast) and have good speed. More importantly to me they are dead quiet even at the heavier weights (60-80#).
     The pin knocks common to a lot of early European and Nordic bows are very strong. If ya think about it you would be trying to snap off a piece of hardwood that's only about 1/2 inch long.....that amount of force required would be more than a man could pull.
     As for the carvings, most of them are in fact based upon the Russ models.....but also I have done several from the Icelandic models as well. I believe that the squints break them (Vikings) into groups based upon which way they migrated/ explored/ fought. So ya have Eastern expanding, and western expanding. I have friends of Nordic stock who are from both whatever I'm carving beit a bow, seax scabbard, weapon handles or whatever I try to make them designs that are true to their particular ancestors.

      As a side note, N2huntin....Jeff taught some of his friends to build mollegabets and one of them is a retired mechanical engineer who promtly took measurements, plugged 'em into some programs and came up with a "bow efficientcy model" for various bow designs. Turns out the mollegabet is so highly efficient that is all he makes now. I got that second hand from Jeff so can't give the man's name....but generally most people who actually shoot them, like them.....a lot. I recently made a 70# for Gothmog, and I guess he's tickled pink with it.....I believe he said that it outshot his newer model compound bow.

Offline denny

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Re: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...
« Reply #39 on: August 29, 2010, 05:22:06 pm »
Thanks for the info Rich. I have a sec of russian viking descent that live down the road from me and they are part of the SCA. My son and I have dressed the attire and participated with our longbows,we made. I looked cute in my long coat ,More like a Anyway enough of that I can't wait to finish. Let you know. By the way I have built the Homey and loved it. They do remind you of the mechanical bows of today with much finer grace. Denny

Offline randman

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Re: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...
« Reply #40 on: September 11, 2010, 02:59:18 am »
Rich, I am so in awe of your work and skills that I am compelled to post a comment after lurking about on this site and absorbing for almost a year. 8)
You are one my favorite bowyers of all time! You must think seriously about publishing a book with all the great bows you have made over the years. (At the very least you should have something in the next Bowyers Bible edition!) Every Bowyer in the country would have it on their coffee table. I come on this forum every day just to look at and be inspired by your bows.
By the way, why does your name still have "guest" after it. As far as I'm concerned, you own this forum!! ;) No offence intended to all the other masters on this forum that I admire and attempt to emulate! Someday I will get up the nerve to submit some of my bows for everyones constructive scrutiny! ;D
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

Offline half eye

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Re: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...
« Reply #41 on: September 11, 2010, 07:21:21 am »
       Thank you for the compliments, but ya just might be a tad overstating :D First off, I sure aint no expert on anything, and I have written a book (non-archery) and a few articles (archery) but that dont make me an expert either. Mostly I make bows that I like, some folks like them and others hate 'em.....that's about how everything in life goes. Make what YOU like.
      If your making ought to post them. You made them, and I'm sure they are very good bows. They might not be to everyones taste but hey, thats what makes bow building interesting and above all, fun. Carved bows are easy to make (a little time consuming is all) and I'd be happy to tell/show ya how to do it.

      I've completely rebuilt Wolfsongforge's bow "Orm Koss", because this one was made too light in draw. I dont make any carved bows that are copies of anyother. @ one is unique, so the old one got cut in two and the new one 65# @ 28 will be ready for pics in a couple of days, then off to Ken, for huntin season. The wolf carving is more complicated on the new one (gripping beast) and the dragon heads are made with a different carving style. Will post it when I get the beast done.


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Re: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...
« Reply #42 on: September 11, 2010, 08:28:55 am »
Way cool half eye, your work is  inspirational as always.

Offline PeteC

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Re: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...
« Reply #43 on: September 11, 2010, 09:33:16 am »
Another beauty.Great job all- around. God Bless
What you believe determines how you behave., Pete Clayton, Whitehouse ,Texas

Offline okiecountryboy

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Re: ORM KOSS / Carved Mollegabet for Wolfsongforge...
« Reply #44 on: September 12, 2010, 05:14:50 am »
Rich, I am so in awe of your work and skills that I am compelled to post a comment after lurking about on this site and absorbing for almost a year. 8)
You are one my favorite bowyers of all time! You must think seriously about publishing a book with all the great bows you have made over the years. (At the very least you should have something in the next Bowyers Bible edition!) Every Bowyer in the country would have it on their coffee table. I come on this forum every day just to look at and be inspired by your bows.
By the way, why does your name still have "guest" after it. As far as I'm concerned, you own this forum!! ;) No offence intended to all the other masters on this forum that I admire and attempt to emulate! Someday I will get up the nerve to submit some of my bows for everyones constructive scrutiny! ;D

DITTO! DITTO! DITTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-Ron

A pictorial book with dimentions and a little history...You would make a mint. I'de be first in line to buy!
God, honor, country, bows, and guns.