68.5" N2N, 54# @ 30". But, THIS time, I took a full draw pic with an arrow, and was surprised how much arrow was left over. I realize now that I'm only really drawing 28", which makes me both sheepish about being so wrong about 30", but also excited that I can try for shorter bows. Backed with rawhide, antler shelf and tips, cork handle with parachute cord wrap. Dyed black with Sheaffer nib pen ink, then decorated with acrylic artist paint. Not the fastest shooting machine sadly, but I had a skinny tree to work with at about 1" thick. So we're talking high crown and thick cross section.

Believe it or not, this is still about the straightest stave I have yet found.

My little bit of tip-flipping just about entirely disappeared. The big deflex kink just above the handle was a challenge. It really wanted to bend and take set there, even though it was left almost completely round. I heat-treated the spot quite thoroughly and managed to reverse a bit of the set.

Wouldn't recommend the knotted handle wrap I did, but on the plus side it encouraged me to slim up the tips to eliminate the hand shock.