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Need help Id'ing some logs

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Hey thanks tiller, GOT WOOD!  :o

Pat B:
If that is pine, you can smell it. Looks like cherry to me. The first 2 could be hickory. The hack berry(sugar Berry) has corky protrusions on the bark.    Pat

The two on the right look like oak to me. Oak has a pretty thin sapwood compared to heartwood.


Looking at the last picture, I would say the far left is hackberry, the next one is either hickory or locust, the third from the left is wild cherry, and the last two I'm pretty sure are sassafras.

Hard to say for sure on some of them without seeing/feeling/smelling them in person, but here's my stab at it-last pic l to r:
Hackberry or sweetgum; oak; definitely black cherry; sassafrass ; sourwood if you have it there, if not maybe chestnut oak.


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