Main Discussion Area > Bows


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Yes, simple answer now! ;) It just hurts to see a piece ruined... possibly.It was tough enough to get the bark off in the first place, a quite easy thick layer followed by innerbark that was stuck fast! took awhile,,,

DanaM, yes that is what spurred my interest, just searching for more varied responses. :)

Hillbilly,,same family as Ash thats good info! Thanks,,. Wish it had its straightness! It seems really to be a nice wood.
I'm definately going to be watching for this wood with more intensity!

thats is some good trivia! If'n this piece won't do a bow I will still try to use it somewhere! Some of my fav cookware
utensils are wooden,,,

its easier to see a spoon in it than a bow! lol ;D
thanks for the replys!!

The only trouble with grouping trees together based on them being in the same family is that they often don't share anywhere close to the same characteristics. Lilac and Ash couldn't be more different
 Almost like comparing Manitoba Maple and Rock Maple based on them being in the same family.

I ahve a 100 year old(at least) lilac in the yard, momma would kill me ifin I cut it.
But its got this nice long snakey limb on it thats callin to me  ;)



--- Quote from: DanaM on April 15, 2007, 07:49:17 pm ---I ahve a 100 year old(at least) lilac in the yard, momma would kill me ifin I cut it.
But its got this nice long snakey limb on it thats callin to me  ;)


--- End quote ---

Does it need trimming????????

white wood:
dont know if you guys have ever tried bending a branch of lilac or not but were i live, its one of the least bendable woods i know. the wood explodes when under pressure. ive never even considered it as a bow wood. lilac trees here at the farm `are always breaking off in the wind or ice storms. like you guys said, ash and lilac are very different.  it does have a prettuy grain. maybe if you sinew or back it with rawhide to take tension off the back you may get a bow out of it. id be interested in how it turns out for you, good luck and keep us updated on your progress, -jesse


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