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Don't know that I've ever seen a lilac tree. Just shrubs that are no where near bow stave size. Can someone post a pic?

I've been messing with Rose of Sharon wood, which seems to be similar to Lilac.  In my experience, it's best to split off the belly side, leave the bark on the back, and seal the ends.  I've never had a piece big enough around to split down the middle, so I just take off about a third of the wood from the belly side to help it dry gracefully.  I once debarked a green stave and it cracked wide open down the back overnight.

Jesse, Are you sure it's lilac? Most would not describe it as a "tree". I don't think Lilac gets big enough to suffer storm damage. Vertical branches, clumped growth and tough wood aren't recipes for damage. They are usually pretty sheltered too.

I have a lilac tree, if I can remember I will take a pic. The tree I have is old its been thru some storms
other than losing a few small branches its fine. Tough Tree.


My backyard is full of them.Deffinatly be a challenge to make a bow from them.Good luck,I will be watching closely.


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