Sailordad; That sounds pretty close. 29" would just barely have my hand grazing my cheek. 26" would put the nock on the tip of my nose almost. Do you use anchors at all while your hunting, or is that just a target shooting thing?
Like I said, still new to archery and hunting too for that matter. All I have right now is the old kids bow from about 20 years ago, lol. Got fed up after a few days of really bad shooting. Things might of been different if I had been able to get some instruction some where... Thank goodness for the internet!
Ken; Measuring from the center of my chest to the tip of my fingers open handed is 34-35" depending on which finger ya use

Thats with a measuring tape, don't have a yard stick right handy. That shouldn't make any difference though.
Toomany; Holding the measuring tape in my hand like the bow and pulling back to the ear is 31" for me...