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A very bizzare bowyers track record

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I have broke several my self and like jawge it is bizarre,the ones I think,this will never make it do
and others I think no problem break,I think sometimes we just don't take as much time and aren't as careful if it all looks good.I usually can figure out why it broke but it seems most times there
wasn't much I could have done about it.I never call them a bow and try not to get to attached to a piece of wood until it has proven itself.Saves a lot of heart break. :'( :'(

Justin Snyder:

--- Quote from: Pappy on April 18, 2007, 11:40:25 am ---I never call them a bow and try not to get to attached to a piece of wood until it has proven itself.Saves a lot of heart break. :'( :'(

--- End quote ---
NOW that piece of advice was worth getting up for this morning.  I got attached to a nasty snakey piece of guava from Manny.  I had it all planned out. I even had the snakes picked out and the beaver tail dried and ready to go.  I had it to 28" last week when it blew. I'm still crying. I haven't even touched a stave since,except to work the back down on a couple. I have a laminated bow that is still sitting waiting to be glued up. I better quit getting attached.  :'( :'( Good thing chasing rings is therapeutic.  Justin


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