Main Discussion Area > Bows

how do they compare?

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If all you're interested in is arrow speed, then sure, a compound bow is hands down gonna smoke a selfbow, especially if you're comparing a whip tillered 35-pounder to a state-of-the-art high-weight compound. A 7mm magnum will easily smoke both of 'em for that matter. It's not always about the speed, it's about the feel and the overall experience, although a well-made, efficient selfbow has plenty enough speed and power to take care of business-they've been feeding and defending people for thousands of years before compound bows were invented. If you really want to see a comparison of the overall experience of shooting them, go shoot a 3D round with the compound crowd, then go shoot a round with a bunch of stick toters. Bet you'll see a totally different mindset, and have ten times as much fun shooting with the stick crowd. There's just a certain feeling and "magic" for lack of a better word, that comes from shooting well with a self made selfbow. You wouldn't see Legolas toting around a Matthews solocam lol. I have an old dusty compound sitting around somewhere that I haven't touched in years, even though at one time I could regularely skewer cigarette butts at twenty yards with it- after I got used to shooting a selfbow, all the gadgets and crap just completely lost their appeal to me. A factory-made compound shooting device ain't got no soul. A bent piece of living wood does. It's something you can't really explain in words, either you feel it or you don't.

A selfbow, in my opinion, is the perfect hunting device. They are fast (it takes about half the time to shoot a wooden barebow then it does for most pin-shooters), but more so they are QUIET, something alot of compounds can't even come close to. No mster how fast your bow is, if the deer hears it, it's gonna get spooked and even if you do hit it right where you want it, it will run alot farhter than it will with a whisper quiet selfbow. At least that's my experience. And more so, a selfbow makes you part of the hunt, not just what pulls the string and aligns the pin.

Besides, selfbows are pretty ;D!

Amen, Amen. Amen ;D


Easternarcher:  I made my first string yesterday.  Pretty easy once you know how.  As soon as I figure out how to do the serving I'll send the video along.  Thanks Chris.

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That's GREAT!!!! would love to see a pic of your work.....hope I do as well!

I agree with what kegan said. The self bow is the perfect hunting device. They have been used for thousands of years with success for hunting and war. A few years a go when I shot a compound I lost out on a couple of shot oppurtunities because of all the gadjets. I believe with a good selfbow I could have bought home meat.


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