Main Discussion Area > Bows

arrow rest

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Justin Snyder:
Of course you shouldn't be offended by that.  If I didn't like you I wouldn't give you a hard time.  But if it did offend you, I am sorry.  Justin

 I usually cut a shelf or build a rest.I can't shoot an arrow off my knuckle without wearing a glove.It hurts to the point of distraction.

Play nice guys or or do you need a time out ;)


depends on the bow design. I like cut in shelves, but I've only come close to center shot with deep hadled ipe bows. I often combine cut in and built up/glue on shelves. If the handle/riser has enough meat I'll cut in most of the thickness of and arrow deep then glue on a somewhat preshaped wood or pig horn (the "toenail" pieces you can buy in a pet store) rest. Then I radius the top and finish shaping the handle/rest area.

I don't cut in shelfs, I do glued up leather rests that I glue on the bow and fur strike plates.


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