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arrow rest

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Does anyone use a cut-in arrow rest on self bows?  Experiences?  Tips?

Pat B:
I've built up arrow rest but don't like cutting into the handle area of a my self bows. I like a small bulbous handle any way and a cut in shelf wouldn't work with that.
I try to keep my wood bows simple. A shelf isn't necessary so I don't use one.  ;)  Pat

Justin Snyder:
I have cut a 3/8" shelf into a bulbous handle just above my hand.  My hands are fairly big so I have plenty of wood to spare on the handle.  Justin

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I usually glue a rest on.


Yes. Theres no mystery here, you can cut a selfbow clear to center shot safely if you leave enough thickness not to bend. I have done it more than not. Some here are not a fan of the way it looks, not as primitive as a built up shelf. I have also just cut the arrow pass close to center shot and added a glued on shelf.


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