The backstory: I'm at Liquidation World, snooping through a bin of sturdy broomsticks. Wife: "You're looking for one to make a bow out of, aren't you." Me: "Uh...."
My builder friend Eric suggests the wood may be maple. I really don't know for sure. The bow is 17#@21", and if memory serves, is 46" T2T. After I confirmed that the broomstick could be tillered, I wondered what to do with it. I decided to give it to the kid a few doors down, just because he's friendly and always greets me through the screened window when I walk by and he's careful and gentle with my little wiener dog. So I grabbed some underspined straightened tomato stakes and made him some arrows too. Moulted goose feathers, and painted chopstick blunts.

Kieran was having trouble keeping the arrow on the string, so his sister stepped in for the "full" draw shot:

I have a video of Kieran giving it the ol' college try, though: a video of me trying her out myself: