Main Discussion Area > Bows

Power Wash the Bark Off!

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--- Quote from: J. D. Duff on April 16, 2007, 05:12:51 pm ---Dane,
You get a lot of splash-back with this method.   :o  You may want to give the rain gear a try. 

        J. D. Duff

--- End quote ---

I think it was Thoreau who warned against having to acquire new clothing for a job? First, I don't own rain gear, and second, us humans are waterproof. Besides, you Northwesterns probably all have rain togs just to live there.

Seriously, when I got my power washer last year, I was cleaning the deck, and made some nice grooves in a teak table, so you do have to be careful. I would have signed the top of the table, but my the wife would have killed me.


Yeah, around here we call rain gear 'clothes.'  Thoreau wasn't a volunteer fireman was he...?

          J. D. Duff

Tom Sawyer, where I grew up the local veneer mill routinely soaked their logs in ponds to loosen the bark. A time honored method.



--- Quote from: J. D. Duff on April 16, 2007, 08:45:11 pm ---Yeah, around here we call rain gear 'clothes.'  Thoreau wasn't a volunteer fireman was he...?

          J. D. Duff

--- End quote ---

No, I don't think so, though he was pretty clever making stuff with his hands. I think he may have made a good bow maker.

I've visted Walden Pond, pretty cool, and tromped about looking for his hut site. I never did find it. Right now, there is a big fight to save some of the woods from becoming a soccar field for a local school who owns part of the woods the poet hung about in. As usual, "progress" may mean losing something forever.


JD yes 120 rings per inch should make a nice bow marlon ;D


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