you were my guess in the picture contest and i would like to thank you for making me lose....

I have always had a attraction to primitive archery but what got me started was a copy of PA magazine, it seemed much simpler to me, not easier (it is soooo not easier), but simpler....no 3,4,or 5 pin sights, no wheels, no drop aways arrow rest to tune, no trying to keep up with the newest gear, it was almost a relief, primitive feels more natural to me. even though i have not taken a deer with a bow i have made i know when i do i wont be worried about it being a trophy, why, well im not sure, but i wont. now i have a interest in making knives and im getting into knapping.
When those compound shooters see you shooting a bow you made and hitting a target with it they will see these things also...in todays world any kind of archery is a good thing, the compound shooters just dont know any better yet....
