So, after being on the road for a few days, stuck in a room with people teaching other people how to have ideas about things they already do for a living...

I came home and totally lost my train of thought on the hickory/elm longbow I was working on, saw the posts of all the recent explosions and de-laminations, stared at all the new pins and odd streaks cropping up in the elm

, and decided to let that one lay for a bit.
I have a quarter log of osage, well seasoned, with a crack (check?) in one end that seemed like a natural place to try splitting off a stave (yes, I have
actually never split wood before

). For those of you who actually do know how to work wood (which I believe would be all of you, except me), it would have been high comedy to see me on the floor of the Underground Lair, with a camp ax, a mallet and a couple of accidental wedges, teasing this thing into two pieces. But tease it did, and with enough left over for a real bow if this doesn't go well. And even if it doesn't go well, it gives me a chance to practice chasing a ring.
And finally, here's my question; as you can see, this stave has a pretty good twist from end to end, as well as being a bit snaky. Oh, and, it's 74" long, 1 3/8" wide in the middle.
Should I try straightening it now, or should I get it closer to the shape of a bow first?
As always, your help is greatly appreciated,
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