Main Discussion Area > Bows

Lam. bows/ what kinda clamps??

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Mornin' David,

How have you been?

You gotta build it in the inverse.  If you do that then the boo side is up and you don't have to worry about it sliding.  I built one that way and it works fine.


Justin Snyder:
Like Matt said, I just use rubber bands and little blocks I made.  Here is a link to the thread explaining mine.,1978.0.html
 Also if you cut a form like Matt's and use the other side of the cut like he says, you could just use the rubber bands to loop from pegs on one side to pegs the other. The only problem with that is a riser could get in the way.  Justin

Real fine Stan, and you?

Ah, work upside down.  Same as a pedestal form.  Then you mate up the riser wood after I assume.

Funny story, I spent half the day perfecting the wrong side of my first glass form on the drum sander.  Duh.

I double wrap the glued up bow in a car inner tube "bandage" then use just a ferw clamps and wooden blocks to give the reflex or deflex wanted. Works well with a long open time glue like resorcinol. Gives a good glue joint, and doesn't slip like clamps can.
Mark in England


Yep, you got it.  Riser wood goes on last when done like this.  I've been good.  Way too busy, but good.



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