Author Topic: ash longbow  (Read 6585 times)

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ash longbow
« on: July 21, 2010, 06:35:07 pm »

I was looking around the internet and i found a nice ash stave for 25$ it does need a backing so does anyone have any advice what kind of backing i'll need for an ash bow?


Primitive Bowyer

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Re: ash longbow
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2010, 08:58:06 pm »
Hey youngbowyer I am new to archery but on 3rivers archery your can buy a hickory bow stave for around $30 and according to the description you need to back that stave ,once it has been shaped and all, with sinew or you could probably back with bamboo too not sure. Maybe some one more experienced will drop in and elaborate or prove me wrong. Good luck with your bow

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Re: ash longbow
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2010, 03:16:28 pm »
Ash makes a really good backing for a bow but not so good on the belly, so I don't know why an ash stave would need to be backed (in fact my current ash bow has a lemonwood belly)
btw - I wrote a guide to making ash bows which may be of interest - I wont be allowed to link to it but search for "back street bowyer" to find it

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Re: ash longbow
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2010, 08:19:32 pm »
Hmmm... I'm thinking the same as Alan. If it's an ash stave (a true stave, not a board), why would it need to be backed? Maybe you and the supplier are not on the same page. Maybe get them to send you some pics??

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Re: ash longbow
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2010, 11:40:14 am »
     I just finished an ash longbow in a holmgaard style and I backed it with hickory from 3 rivers.  It took some set but it finished out @ 47# @ 29" with comfortable stack and  a  smooth draw.  I tried 11/32 sitka spruce arrows, but it seems to like 5/16 poplar target arrows better with less drop @ 30yds.
I plan on taking a deer out of my back 40 with it this fall.  Don't listen to everyone about what works and doesn't work;  try anything that comes to mind.  Remember, the indians didn't have the internet... they just made bows 'til one of them killed an animal and fed their family!!!

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Re: ash longbow
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2010, 04:10:52 pm »
     I just finished an ash longbow in a holmgaard style and I backed it with hickory from 3 rivers.  It took some set but it finished out @ 47# @ 29" with comfortable stack and  a  smooth draw.  I tried 11/32 sitka spruce arrows, but it seems to like 5/16 poplar target arrows better with less drop @ 30yds.
I plan on taking a deer out of my back 40 with it this fall.  Don't listen to everyone about what works and doesn't work;  try anything that comes to mind.  Remember, the indians didn't have the internet... they just made bows 'til one of them killed an animal and fed their family!!!

What do you mean by "comfortable stack?"