Finally got some take downs done. I was going to post them after I've thoroughly shot them in, but I'm not sure I'll use them that much, or even if they'll live that long

Both are tempered hickory. The handles are sheet steel, wrapped three times and finished with small home made nail rivets. I'll be honest, these are anything but my best work. The bows themselves are more or less finished to see how the handles work. They do though

"Primero", about 67" ntn. This one is made from lesser hickory, and I was suprised it held up like it did. It started straight, and after tillering and the handle's slight give in, wound up with 1 3/4" string follow. I tried flipping the tips, but the wood just wanted to crack. It's 66# at 28", and 72# at 29.5", my draw. This bow isn't as fast as Betty was (obviously it has a little stack in it), and I'm constantly waiting for it to blow up on me

"Segundo", about 64" ntn. This one actually turned out pretty well. It's better in almost every way, and it gave me alot of inspiration for the next takedown. Flipped the tips, which gave it a R/D shape. 59# at 28", 63# at my draw. It holds 1" reflex after unbracing. It's the same specs as "Talea", and shoots almost as fast, but with much more stability. I really like how it shoots. I canted funny, which makes it look hinged, but it isn't. If it were I would have used that as an excuse to sinew it

. The picture sorta makes me sad, the better of the two has a worse full draw pic.
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