During the summer months, my wife and I keep my 8 year old niece a couple of days a week. Lately, she's been following me out to my wood shop to see what Uncle Doug's up to. That's when I got the idea to make her a bow. Since the 'scalloped' bow has become my unofficial PIF bow, I decided to make her one of those. I betcha not many other little girls have one of these.

I used a thin hickory board that had a serious weak spot in the middle, so I knew that a child's bow was the best this board had in it. I built it just like the Rich Tribute bow (except much thinner) and it came out nice, other than a slight hinge above the handle in that weak spot. As far as Emilee is concerned, it's perfect though. She'd never shot a bow before until shortly after we took these pics. Pretty soon, she'll have little arrows zipping about the yard!
The bow is 51" and comes to about 20# at 20", though she isn't pulling it anywhere near that now. Also, this bow will pull to at least 24" without incident. I know, 'cause I tried it several times during the tillering and final shooting process just to make sure the bow was safe before giving to her. Lucky for her, I was an artist long before I even thought about bow making, so when she asked for butterflies, she got them.

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