well this is how it began today was letting my chickens out and one found a nice lookn copperhead. so i use my rake as a snake hook and hook it then put it in the bucket i drive down about .5 miles from the house where there is a dry creek to let it go. i look on one side that has a small water puddle and i saw a large school of catfish fingerlings in it

talk about getting exited so i let the snake go on the other side of the road go home grab my net and a ice chest and head back. once i got there i slop into the muddy hole and the fish saw me and berry them selfs in the mud to hide lol smart little guys.well in a hour i caught about 30-50catfish fingerlings and there rest are hiding in the muddy water i hope to get the rest of them after work : ). sorry i dont have pics time was short because i was at work and had to head back but now my pond is stocked with catfish woot