So, in previous years i have hunted with a 67 inch selfbow that had a rigid handle and used a four arrow bow quiver.( Never used more than one arrow). It was convienient because i live in a temperate rainforest- tons of brush, tall grass, thickets , etc... the bow quiver allowed me to squirm through these obstacles. A back quiver or shoulder-slung quiver seems like it would get hung up on everything.
But this year I am switching to a 57 inch bend-in-the-handle bow, so a bow quiver is no good.
So i put my old bow quiver on a broken bow limb. I can hand carry it and if i find a sit spot i can jam the pointy end into the ground so my arrows will be at the ready. I could also put on a shoulder strap....
anyone tried this? Or are there any other Pacific Northwesterners with good quiver suggestions for coastal jungles?
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