Main Discussion Area > Bows

Snakey Hickory Takedown

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Pat B:
Dana, I got the stuff I have from the trash pile behind an electrical contractors office. I believe it is 1 1/4" or 1 1/2" rigid conduit. I believe that copper would be too soft and not be able to handle the stresses. A bow takes a lot of stress at the handle area.   Pat

      Don't bother with copper pipe like Pat said. Too soft, trust me on this one I know ! ;D.......bob

Thanks Pat & Bob

Have a bad experience Bob? ;D


 Just because its stuck in the ceiling tile, does that make for a bad experience, naw ! ;D....bob

Justin Snyder:

--- Quote from: Kowechobe on April 16, 2007, 04:05:43 pm --- Just because its stuck in the ceiling tile, does that make for a bad experience, naw ! ;D....bob

--- End quote ---
Anytime it misses you its a good experience.  Justin


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