Author Topic: What to do with scrap flakes ?  (Read 7067 times)

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Offline caveman2533

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Re: What to do with scrap flakes ?
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2010, 09:59:53 am »
If you have a good place to dump them ,off the side of a mountain then go ahead. Any Archeologist who's worth his salt, in the future who finds your pile should immediatley know that during this century there wer many modern pknappers and this a waste pile form one of them.  Don't knap in the grass with out using a tarp. Anyone who might walk there barefoot is in danger of gettiing cut.

Offline cowboy

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Re: What to do with scrap flakes ?
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2010, 10:22:31 am »
I have extended a part of my driveway with a lot of that stuff and haven't noticed any tire damage yet - but you don't want to be walking out there barefooted  ;). One of the best leads on flint I've ever had was down south of San Antonio. An area, or county where all the gravel backroads are flint. I mean they use chert cobbles for their road base down there. I picked up several loads picking through the ditches, hehehe... Anyway, I never noticed any tire damage there either - not to say that it wouldn't...
When you come upon a track or trail you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing.

Offline AncientArcher76

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Re: What to do with scrap flakes ?
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2010, 03:36:18 pm »
Dang Jesse U must be haunted by this dog ur hell bent on getting it to shut up...dont make a guy from NY come down walk up to the house ask the little old lady do u own a dog...yeah sure hes right over there..THANKs  POW POW POW have a nice day...  Ok maybe not quite like that but sounds good ::) ::)  I been making debitage all over and someday someones gonna find it and be like no way in heck obsidian, horse creek, texas NY these injuns must have been crazzzyyyy!!!!

Time, dedication, cuts, tons of broken rock, a wife, and perhaps a few girlfriends are some of what it takes in becoming a skilled flint knapper!!!
"Ancient Art"  by R. Hill

Offline Hillbilly

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Re: What to do with scrap flakes ?
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2010, 03:27:17 pm »
Mix 'em in with your kid's cereal to toughen them up...
Use them instead of rice at weddings of people you don't like....
Put them in shoe boxes and mail them to people at random whose address you picked off of with no return address on the box......
Pour them in the radiator and crankcase of the local tax collector's ride.....
Feed them to your neighbor's loud, annoying guineas.....
Put them in bags and stuff them in the donation box behind the Goodwill store.....
Dump them in the hole in the creek where all the Yankee tourists go swimming..........
Pour them into the holes at the local golf course.....
Stuff them in the parachute compartment of a big model rocket and launch it out over the country club tennis courts.....
Bury them in the baselines near second base and home plate at the baseball field......
Or just leave them there and see how long it takes for your debitage pile to get bigger than your house....

Smoky Mountains, NC

Progress might have been all right once but it's gone on for far too long.

Offline leapingbare

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Re: What to do with scrap flakes ?
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2010, 03:45:05 pm »
Mililani Hawaii

Offline Timo

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Re: What to do with scrap flakes ?
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2010, 06:52:10 pm »
I have a big stump hole on my place where I dump them,along with deer and turkey carcasses. I call it my native dump.

Jess, if you want rid of the dog just put some beef liver in a small panty hose sock and throw it over there. :-X