Author Topic: What are some good bow glues that can be bought locally?  (Read 2706 times)

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What are some good bow glues that can be bought locally?
« on: August 05, 2010, 10:41:12 pm »
I've been woundering what glues that I can get from home depot or ace hardware would work for bows?  I've heard Tite Bond III is good, but has anyone used the 5min epoxy or the 60min epoxy?  or Garilla Glue?  thank you.

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Re: What are some good bow glues that can be bought locally?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2010, 10:44:19 pm »
5  minute epoxy isnt really good for much, it sometimes fails for tip overlays. titebond 3 is good stuff, the only glue i really use for any of my bows. as far as gorilla glue i hear bad things about bows made with it, so i wouldnt use it. epoxies i dont have much experience with aside from using them to  fill gaps in knife handles, which is what i use the 5 minute stuff for.

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Re: What are some good bow glues that can be bought locally?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2010, 10:50:39 pm »
Definitely go with titebond III.  Its a wonderful wood to wood glue that has never really failed me.  Maybe once but that was because of the poor condition of the mated surfaces, not the glue's fault...mine :( (gotta make sure they fit perfectly together). But I've heard good things about Urac 185 as well.  Another great wood to wood adhesive that fills gaps as well.  Hopefully that helps, and good luck with your endeavors/addiction.  Its a great time :)
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Re: What are some good bow glues that can be bought locally?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2010, 11:29:06 pm »
Urac 185 is the best wood/wood glue but you will have to order it. TBIII is a very good wood/wood glue. Another is Weldwood Plastic Resin. It is similar to Urac(Urea) but it is a one part powder that mixes with water. I have used it on a few backed bows and for building risers and never had a glue failure with it or TBIII.
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Re: What are some good bow glues that can be bought locally?
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2010, 12:02:41 am »
I agree with the previous replies, especially as regards TB III.   But,..I have to add that I use a lot of "hide" glues.  Hide glue is probably the best glue for gluing down rawhide or sinew, but it works well for wood to wood too.  The faying surfaces need to be as close to perfection as you can get,and free of oils, but the resulting bond is quite strong.  Knox gelatin is a hide glue and I guarantee you can find that.  Rabbit skin glue  available at most art stores and may be easy to obtain.   
Epoxies work OK for splicing billets, but use the slow cure stuff as it's stronger than the 5 min stuff.     Ron
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