Woody, You did a fine job on this bow. Building bows without set comes with experience. I have had very few self bows break but have made lots with that kind of set. They all shot arrows and when made, I was very pleased with them...and rightly so. If you are comfortable with the way this bow shoots and feel confident that you can put an arrow where it needs to go to take a deer, the bow has what it takes for a successful hunt.
As far as trying to repair the set, you may be putting more effort than it is worth. Once the wood cells have collapsed(main cause of set) trying to uncollapse them is fruitful.You end up doing more damage to them. I had thought of possibly recurving the tips but that causes more stress.
Enjoy this bow as it is and start your next one. You have plenty of time to build another bow and still be ready for hunting season. As was said above...Start with well seasoned wood, take it slow, exercise the wood with every wood removal, take it slow, remove wood evenly and only where needed, take it slow, don't pull the bow beyond your target weight or draw length and take it slow. Did I mention take it slow?

Looking forward to seeing your next bow. Pat